How to spot a forex scam?

One of the first things you must learn about the forex market is that although it is enjoyable and exciting, there is no magic button that will instantly turn your pennies into millions of dollars.

  Forex Training

One of the first things you must learn about the forex market is that although it is enjoyable and exciting, there is no magic button that will instantly turn your pennies into millions of dollars.

Shocking, I know!

But it just doesn't happen. There is no such thing.

Even if some shiny websites promise you profit worth of hundred pots of gold with absolutely no risk, remember, there is NO. SUCH. THING.

Forex scams have been around for as long as the Forex market exists and take many different forms

They are everywhere!

So how do you know who to trust? And how do you spot forex scams?

In the blog below, we will teach you about the different types of scams out there, how to prepare yourself, and what you can do in case you encounter one.

Firstly, let's define the term SCAM.